CYBER UPDATE 3/5: What is Cyber Essentials and Cyber Essentials Plus?

Cyber Essentials is a UK government-backed scheme that helps organisations protect themselves against the most common cyber threats. It’s designed to guide businesses in protecting themselves by implementing basic technical controls, which are crucial for cyber defence. The scheme offers two levels of certification: 

  • Cyber Essentials: This is a self-assessment option that provides protection against a wide variety of the most common cyber-attacks. It’s particularly important because vulnerability to simple attacks can mark an organisation as a target for more in-depth unwanted attention from cyber criminals. Certification reassures customers that your defences will protect against the majority of common cyber-attacks. 
  • Cyber Essentials Plus: This level includes all the requirements of Cyber Essentials, but with an additional hands-on technical audit. It shows a more rigorous level of security that has been physically verified. 

The scheme is suitable for all organisations, regardless of size or sector, and demonstrates a commitment to cyber security. Some government contracts may require Cyber Essentials certification as part of the bidding process. 

For more details about the Cyber Essentials certifications, please visit the National Cyber Security Centre. 




Why should you get Cyber Essentials for your organisation? 

Certified cyber security: 

  • Reassure customers that you are working to secure your IT against cyber attack
  • Attract new business with the promise you have cyber security measures in place 
  • You have a clear picture of your organisation’s cyber security level 
  • Some Government contracts require Cyber Essentials certification 

Already Have Cyber Essentials Plus? 

Introducing inTRUST  

If you already have Cyber Essentials Plus Certification, you would benefit from our Cyber Security as a Service (CSaaS) package: inTRUST. You will receive our on going support and maintenance to ensure that your cyber security is up to date and effective. We can provide you with regular audits, reviews and updates of your cyber security controls and practices, as well as offer you advice and guidance on how to address any potential gaps or vulnerabilities. 

We can also help you respond to any cyber incidents or breaches that may occur and assist you in restoring your normal operations as quickly as possible. By working with us, you can ensure that your Cyber Essentials Plus Certification remains valid and relevant and that your organisation stays protected and resilient against cyber threats. 


Need Cyber Security advice and support? Contact us today: 

call: 0345 565 1767 or mail to


inTRUST Cyber Security As A Service

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