CYBER UPDATE 1/5: inTEC becomes an IASME Cyber Essentials Certification Body

What does this mean for inTEC?

As an organisation, we are proud to announce that we have recently become an IASME Cyber Essentials Certification Body. 

This means that we have met the rigorous standards set by IASME to carry out assessments for the Cyber Essentials scheme, which is a government-backed, industry-supported initiative to help protect against common cyber-attacks. As a Certification Body, we can conduct onsite or remote assessments with vulnerability scans, provide gap analysis reports with recommendations, and assist clients with the submission of required documentation for certification. 

The certification process involves answering a series of questions to confirm that the Cyber Essentials controls have been correctly implemented by the client. For Cyber Essentials Plus (CE+), this includes an external vulnerability scan and an internal authenticated scan to ensure all devices tested are patched with the latest security updates. Our role also includes marking assessments, providing advice, and helping clients improve their cyber security. 

Additionally, as a Certification Body, we can certify companies to the IASME Cyber Assurance standard, which includes GDPR assessment and is focused on SMEs. This certification demonstrates adherence to a comprehensive framework covering various aspects of cyber security and data protection, such as risk assessment, policies, procedures, training, incident response, backup, encryption and compliance. 

Becoming an IASME Cyber Essentials Certification Body is a significant achievement for the inTEC GROUP. It demonstrates our commitment to cyber security and data protection, gives our clients the confidence and trust that we are a reliable and secure partner, allows us to offer our clients a comprehensive range of cyber security services and helps us to stay up-to-date with the latest developments in cyber security. 


What does this mean for YOUR organisation?


According to recent Government figures*, half of all businesses have experienced some form of cyber attack in the last 12 months. While many of these have no impact, a significant number lead to damaging loss of money and data, undermine online services and do lasting damage to community confidence in the affected business. 

Despite all of this, just *12% of businesses report being aware of the Cyber Essentials standards. As a government backed certification for cyber security, Cyber Essentials is an ideal way to achieve the confidence that you have the right protections and policies in place to handle common threats.  

With awareness of such standards low across British businesses, it is essential that those who do wish to achieve certification know where to turn for truly expert support – from start to finish of the certification process. As well as providing official certification assessments for IASME and the Cyber Essentials standards, the inTEC Group’s cyber security experts can provide support throughout the certification journey, working with you to get your organisation up to scratch before the technical audit is carried out. 

As an IASME Cyber Essentials Certification Body, we can provide our clients with a comprehensive range of cyber security certifications, including those listed below: – 

  • Cyber Essentials  
  • Cyber Essentials Plus  
  • IASME Cyber Assurance Level 1; and 
  • IASME Cyber Assurance Level 2 audited (including GDPR and Quality Principles). 

Need Cyber Security advice and support? Contact us today: 

call: 0345 565 1767 or mail to

*Source: Cyber Security Breaches Survey 2024 – GOV.UK (

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